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#738 Nolan Hirte: Learning Who You Are

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Nolan Hirte: Learning Who You Are #738 MAP IT FORWARD

This is the 3rd in a 5-part series with Nolan Hirte, Co-Founder of Proud Mary's Coffee. In this series, Nolan and Lee discuss the complexity of entrepreneurship (vs. business ownership) in the specialty coffee space under the theme "Being in Business Will Teach You Everything You Never Wanted To Know About Yourself".

In this episode of The Daily Coffee Pro by MAP IT FORWARD, Nolan and Lee explore different complexities of the coffee industry and how their journey's as entrepreneurs have shown who they are and what they hope the future of the industry holds while also recognising the inequalities that continue to exist.

Connect with Nolan Hirte here:

Connect with Proud Mary's Coffee here:

🤑 This episode is brought to you by MAP IT FORWARD's live workshop series for coffee professionals and business owners. Register for live online workshops in November and December here: Use code podcast10 to get 10% off your ticket price from now till the end of the event.

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