#240 Nawar Adra: What We Learned About Cafes | The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast

This is the 2nd in a 4-part series with Nawar Adra from Stitch Coffee. In this series, Nawar and Lee (who were in Dubai together for World of Coffee) discuss what the Middle East taught them about the future of coffee worldwide.

In this episode of the series, Nawar and Lee explore what the cafes they visited in the United Arab Emirates have to teach us about the future of coffee and the potential of where cafes are headed.

Connect with Nawar here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nawar-adra-12909516a/


Special thanks to our sponsor DXB Live (https://dxblive.com). Tune in and join the conversation using the hashtag #WOCDubai and consider registering for a booth at WOC Dubai 2024 by signing up to the WOC mailing list at https://www.worldofcoffeedubai.com

World Of Coffee Dubai 2023 Podcast Series: https://www.mapitforward.coffee/worldofcoffeedubai

For more information about MAP IT FORWARD go to https://www.mapitforward.coffee or https://www.instagram.com/mapitforward.coffee/