#350 [ENCORE] Lena Parker: Electrification and Coffee | The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast

This is the 3rd in a 5-part series with Lena Parker (Lee's twin sister) joining the podcast for the first time to discuss her expertise, energy security, transition, emissions, transfer, and sustainability in the coffee industry.

In this episode of the series, Lena expands on the discussion around electrification (defined in episode 794) and how the coffee industry can approach shifting its dependency on fossil fuels to cleaner forms of electricity.

Connect with Lena here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lenaparker/


🤑 This episode is brought to you by Map It Forward's first on-demand online workshop "How To Become a Coffee Consultant" available now through Coffee Knowledge Hub's digital learning platform. Find out more here: https://mapitforward.coffee/workshops


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