EP 621 Carley Garner - Price Stability Not Likely In Coffee - The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast by Map It Forward

Please note: None of the information in any episode of this podcast constitutes financial advice.

This is the 5th episode of a new five-part series on The Daily Coffee Pro by Map It Forward Podcast, hosted by founder, Lee Safar.

Our returning guest in this series is the owner of boutique commodities brokerage, DeCarley Trading, Carley Garner.

The focus of this series is the current pricing volatility of the coffee futures market.

In this final episode of our five-part series, Lee explores the complexities of coffee market volatility with Carley and its relationship with market stability.

The discussion includes the cyclical nature of commodity prices, the impact of supply and demand, and potential shifts in the specialty coffee market.

Learn how market forces and consumer behavior could reshape the coffee industry, and find out why stability might not be on the horizon anytime soon.

00:00 Introduction to Market Patterns

00:19 Sponsorship Message

00:57 Welcome and Series Conclusion

01:43 Discussion on Coffee Market Stability

02:14 Commodity Market Dynamics

03:06 Consumer Behavior and Market Adaptation

04:12 Future Market Predictions

07:34 Impact of Climate Change on Coffee

09:03 Specialty vs. Commercial Coffee Market

15:44 Closing Remarks and Contact Information

17:39 Final Sign-Off

Connect with Carley and DeCarley Trading here:

Website: https://www.decarleytrading.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/decarleytrading/

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carleygarner/

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Carley-Garner/author/B001KD205O?store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true&linkCode=sl2&tag=carley-20&linkId=466d3232187ba7f7a89e73df1e785b89&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl


The Daily Coffee Pro by Map It Forward Podcast Host: Lee Safar





🤑 This episode is brought to you by Map It Forward's revised on-demand online workshop "It's Time to Become a Coffee Consultant" available now on our website with additional new bonus material including the coffee consultant career map. Get more details on how you can create an alternative revenue stream today at https://mapitforward.coffee/workshops


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For more information about MAP IT FORWARD go to https://www.mapitforward.coffee or https://www.instagram.com/mapitforward.coffee/