Posts tagged Antonie Fountain
EP 616 Antonie Fountain - The Sustainability of Cacao - The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast by Map It Forward

This is the 5th episode of a five-part series on The Daily Coffee Pro by Map It Forward Podcast, hosted by Map It Forward founder, Lee Safar.

The guest on this podcast series is Antonie Fountain, managing director and co-founder of VOICE Network (cocoa) and VOCAL Alliance (coffee).

In this series, Lee and Antonie explore the state of the cocoa industry, paying particular attention to the impact recent price spikes are having on producers and the sustainability of the market at large.

In this insightful episode of The Daily Coffee Pro by Map It Forward, Lee and Antonie discuss the rapid shift from voluntary to mandatory sustainability practices in the coffee and cocoa industries.

They explore how these changes are driven by new EU regulations, such as the European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) and Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, requiring companies to ensure their products meet stringent environmental and human rights standards.

Antonie explains the challenges corporations face in adapting to these regulations and how it affects smallholders.

The conversation also delves into the role of billionaires, government regulations, and the potential impact on global supply chains.

This episode provides valuable insights into the evolving landscape of sustainability and its implications for the future of coffee and cacao production.

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EP 615 Antonie Fountain - Big Corporations' Influence on Cocao - The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast by Map It Forward

This is the 4th episode of a five-part series on The Daily Coffee Pro by Map It Forward Podcast, hosted by Map It Forward founder, Lee Safar.

The guest on this podcast series is Antonie Fountain, managing director and co-founder of VOICE Network (cocoa) and VOCAL Alliance (coffee).

In this series, Lee and Antonie explore the state of the cocoa industry, paying particular attention to the impact recent price spikes are having on producers and the sustainability of the market at large.

In this episode of The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast by Map It Forward Podcast, Lee and Antonie continue to explore the complexities of the cacao industry. They delve into how big corporations are navigating sustainability and the power dynamics impacting cacao producers.

They discuss the role of regulatory frameworks like the United Nations guiding principles on business and human rights and the need for collective action and proper regulation to create equitable systems.

The episode also explores the economic underpinnings that drive corporate behavior and how factors like high cocoa prices lead to changes in product formulations.

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EP 614 Antonie Fountain - What's Driving Cacao Farmer Poverty - The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast by Map It Forward

This is the 3rd episode of a five-part series on The Daily Coffee Pro by Map It Forward Podcast, hosted by Map It Forward founder, Lee Safar.

The guest on this podcast series is Antonie Fountain, managing director and co-founder of VOICE Network (cocoa) and VOCAL Alliance (coffee).

In this series, Lee and Antonie explore the state of the cocoa industry, paying particular attention to the impact recent price spikes are having on producers and the sustainability of the market at large.

In this episode of The Daily Coffee Pro by Map It Forward, Lee and Antonie discuss the drivers behind farmer poverty in the cacao industry.

The conversation covers the systemic issues within commodity trading, the necessity for fair pricing, risk-sharing, and the importance of farmers' voices in policy-making.

Additionally, insights into how good agricultural and purchasing practices can uplift the industry are explored.

Tune in to understand the complexities of cacao farming and the urgent need for systemic changes.

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EP 613 Antonie Fountain - Unpacking the Cacao Crisis - The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast by Map It Forward

This is the 2nd episode of a five-part series on The Daily Coffee Pro by Map It Forward Podcast, hosted by Map It Forward founder, Lee Safar.

The guest on this podcast series is Antonie Fountain, Managing Director and co-founder at VOICE Network (cocoa) and VOCAL Alliance (coffee).

In this series, Lee and Antonie explore the state of the cocoa industry is with particular attention on the impact recent price spikes are having on producers and the sustainability of the market at large.

In this episode of The Daily Coffee Pro by Map It Forward, Lee and Antonie discuss the severe challenges facing cocoa production in Ghana and Cote d'Ivoire due to climate events, economic conditions, and inadequate policies.

Learn about the impacts of the El Nino weather pattern, the cost of living crisis, and disruptions in agrochemical supply, leading to a drastic drop in cocoa yields and a significant spike in cocoa prices.

This episode also covers the complexities of the futures market, the role of government policies, and the rising potential and challenges for cocoa farmers.

Stay informed about how these dynamics affect the global cocoa market and explore solutions like regenerative agriculture.

Don't miss the next episode, which delves deeper into the issue of producer poverty in the cocoa industry.

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EP 612 Antonie Fountain - Understanding the Cacao Market - The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast by Map It Forward

This is the first episode of a five-part series on The Daily Coffee Pro by Map It Forward Podcast, hosted by Map It Forward founder, Lee Safar.

The guest on this podcast series is Antonie Fountain, managing director and co-founder of VOICE Network (cocoa) and VOCAL Alliance (coffee).

In this series, Lee and Antonie explore the state of the cocoa industry with particular attention on the impact recent price spikes are having on producers and the sustainability of the market at large.

In this episode of The Daily Coffee Pro by Map It Forward, Lee and Antonie discuss how cacao is a primarily export-focused product, cultivated mostly in just eight countries.

Antonie provides insights into the specialized market of cacao, including its unique heirloom qualities and the limited appreciation for good quality chocolate.

He explains his role in sustainable cocoa and the extensive relationships he maintains with various stakeholders across the globe.

They also explore the narrow power dynamics in cacao trading, contrasting it with coffee and discussing its concentrated market structure.

The episode wraps up with a teaser for upcoming discussions about recent trends and price shifts in the cacao market.

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