Posts tagged Ted Fischer
566 Ted Fischer - What's Next For The Coffee Industry? - The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast by Map It Forward

This is the 5th episode of a five-part series on The Daily Coffee Pro by Map It Forward Podcast, hosted by Map It Forward founder, Lee Safar.

Our guest for this series is Ted Fisher, a cultural anthropologist from Vanderbilt University and Author of the book "Making Coffee Better".

On this final episode of the podcast series, Ted and Lee delve into the concept of 'carpet bombing' in the business world, particularly within the coffee market.

They discuss the agility of small players versus large corporations, the potential impacts of predatory business models, and the future dynamics of the coffee industry.

The conversation highlights the importance of innovation, relationships, and the need for equitable power distribution among producers.

Tune in for a thought-provoking discussion on the current state and future possibilities of the coffee supply chain.

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565 Ted Fischer - The Golden Espresso Machine Controversy - The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast by Map It Forward

This is the 4th episode of a five-part series on The Daily Coffee Pro by Map It Forward Podcast, hosted by Map It Forward founder, Lee Safar.

Our guest for this series is Ted Fisher, a cultural anthropologist from Vanderbilt University and Author of the book "Making Coffee Better".

In this episode of the podcast series, Lee and Ted explore the implications of luxury items like golden espresso machines within the context of the specialty coffee industry.

They discuss the seeming disparity between such opulence and the poverty experienced by producers and baristas.

The conversation also delves into broader topics such as economic pressures, the importance of genuine relationships in cafes, and the evolving concept of community.

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564 Ted Fischer - Not All Coffee Producers Are The Same - The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast by Map It Forward

This is the 3rd episode of a five-part series on The Daily Coffee Pro by Map It Forward Podcast, hosted by Map It Forward founder, Lee Safar.

Our guest for this series is Ted Fisher, a cultural anthropologist from Vanderbilt University and Author of the book "Making Coffee Better".

In episode 3 of a five-part series on The Daily Coffee Pro by Map It Forward, Lee and Ted delve into the complexities of the specialty coffee market.

They discuss the diverse realities faced by small and large coffee producers, highlighting issues like financial and cultural capital, market access, and the impact of global power dynamics.

The conversation also touches on how relationships and adaptability are crucial for resilience in the coffee industry.

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563 Ted Fischer - Power Structures In The Coffee Supply Chain - The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast by Map It Forward

This is the 2nd episode of a five-part series on The Daily Coffee Pro by Map It Forward Podcast, hosted by Map It Forward founder, Lee Safar.

Our guest for this series is Ted Fisher, a cultural anthropologist from Vanderbilt University and Author of the book "Making Coffee Better".

In this episode of the podcast series, Ted and Lee discuss the complexities of power dynamics in the coffee supply chain.

They delve into the shifting influence from producers to distributors and the role of consumers. The conversation also highlights the impact of technology, climate change, and economic forces on the coffee industry.

Tune in for a deep dive into the evolving coffee model and the potential future challenges and opportunities.

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562 Ted Fischer - What is Quality Coffee? - The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast by Map It Forward

This is the first episode of a five-part series on The Daily Coffee Pro by Map It Forward Podcast, hosted by Map It Forward founder, Lee Safar.

Our guest for this series is Ted Fisher, a cultural anthropologist from Vanderbilt University and Author of the book "Making Coffee Better".

In this episode of the podcast series, Ted and Lee delve into the concept of quality in specialty coffee.

They discuss how quality is a social construction that often masquerades as an objective measure, its impacts on market dynamics, and its role within the coffee industry.

The conversation touches upon the influences of power, manipulation, and cultural perceptions on defining quality. Additionally, they explore Fisher's background and his journey into coffee research, particularly in Guatemala, as well as the challenges faced by small business owners in the industry.

This episode also addresses the importance of community and the subjective nature of taste and quality in coffee.

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