#89 | Timothy Heinze (Yunnan Coffee Traders)

This coffee podcast was recorded live on YouTube here. Check out this episode on Apple Podcasts here, on Stitcher here and on Google Play here.

Our guest on the podcast today is Timothy Heinze is a long-term coffee professional with extensive experience in the trading of coffee from the region of Yunnan China. Tim has recently relocated back to the USA from China.

Our first online course "Communication (Assertiveness) Training for the Hospitality Industry" is now available at www.mapitforward.org/webinars. We have a special release price for $49 till the end of February 2020

Join us at Coffee Fest @coffeefestshow in New York March 8-10 and use code MAPITFORWARD to get 50% off of your tradeshow ticket entry! This is going to be a blast and we can't wait to see you there! www.coffeefest.com

Due to the devastating fires that have been raging throughout Australia this past couple of months and continue to ravage towns in their wake, we're dedicating our ad sponsorship section for the podcast for the first quarter of 2020 to invite you to support the efforts of the Australian rural fires services and animal wildlife associations. Please see links below:

This podcast is available on Youtube, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Play and most other reputable podcast platforms on Apple and Android.

For more details go to www.mapitforward.org/podcasts and follow us on social media @imapitforward.