Posts in DCPME - Heleanna Georgal
EP 581 Matt Toogood - The Harsh Reality For Some Coffee Businesses - The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast by Map It Forward

This is the 5th episode of a five-part series on The Daily Coffee Pro by Map It Forward Podcast, hosted by Map It Forward founder, Lee Safar.

Our Guest on the podcast this week is Matt Toogood, the CEO of world-renowned coffee brand, Raw Coffee Company based in Dubai.

In this episode of The Daily Coffee Pro by Map It Forward, host Lee and Matt discuss the harsh realities businesses face, especially in the coffee industry, during challenging times.

They provide insights into why some businesses fail, how to analyze the reasons behind the failure, and the importance of closing a business with dignity.

Matt emphasizes the necessity of open communication with your team and stakeholders and offers practical advice on managing cash flow, recognizing problems early, and ensuring that employees are treated fairly during the winding-down process.

Additionally, they highlight the importance of connecting with suppliers and maintaining human connections in the industry. Don't miss Matt's tips on staying resilient and learning from failures.

This episode is packed with valuable lessons for entrepreneurs in any field.

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EP 580 Matt Toogood - The Wider Coffee Crisis - The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast by Map It Forward

This is the 4th episode of a five-part series on The Daily Coffee Pro by Map It Forward Podcast, hosted by Map It Forward founder, Lee Safar.

Our Guest on the podcast this week is Matt Toogood, the CEO of world-renowned coffee brand, Raw Coffee Company based in Dubai.

In this episode of The Daily Coffee Pro by Map It Forward, Lee and Matt delve into the ongoing coffee crisis, discussing how the industry is managing relationships with suppliers, the impact of external factors, and the importance of community and effective communication.

Learn about strategies to navigate this tumultuous time, the dynamics between good and bad businesses, and the critical role of consumer behavior.

Don't miss the final episode where they explore how to help businesses close with dignity.

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EP 579 Matt Toogood - The Coffee Crisis Inside Your Business - The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast by Map It Forward

This is the 3rd episode of a five-part series on The Daily Coffee Pro by Map It Forward Podcast, hosted by Map It Forward founder, Lee Safar.

Our Guest on the podcast this week is Matt Toogood, the CEO of world-renowned coffee brand, Raw Coffee Company based in Dubai.

In this episode of The Daily Coffee Pro by Map It Forward, Lee and Matt dive deep into the internal strategies for navigating the coffee crisis and discuss the importance of visibility in cash flow, building mutual trust with B2B customers, and the critical role of staff training and empowerment.

Learn how to manage challenging times in the coffee industry with practical advice and insights.

Don't miss out on their expert tips on ensuring your business's success during a crisis.

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EP 578 Matt Toogood - Surviving the Coffee Industry Crisis - The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast by Map It Forward

This is the 2nd episode of a five-part series on The Daily Coffee Pro by Map It Forward Podcast, hosted by Map It Forward founder, Lee Safar.

Our Guest on the podcast this week is Matt Toogood, the CEO of world-renowned coffee brand, Raw Coffee Company based in Dubai.

In this episode of The Daily Coffee Pro by Map It Forward, Lee and Matt discuss the ongoing crisis in the coffee industry.

They explore challenges faced by cafes, including profitability, consumer confusion, and the impact of marketing on perceived quality.

The episode also covers the importance of diversifying revenue streams to survive ongoing economic pressures, lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic, and the critical role of planning and agility in navigating the future.

Additionally, learn how you can support the podcast via Patreon.

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EP 577 Matt Toogood - The Eucalyptus Crisis In Ethiopia Is Real - The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast by Map It Forward

This is the first episode of a five-part series on The Daily Coffee Pro by Map It Forward Podcast, hosted by Map It Forward founder, Lee Safar.

Our Guest on the podcast this week is Matt Toogood, the CEO of world-renowned coffee brand, Raw Coffee Company based in Dubai.

In this episode of The Daily Coffee Pro by Map It Forward, Lee and Matt discuss the devastating changes observed in Ethiopia's coffee regions.

They explore the shift from coffee plantations to eucalyptus due to economic pressures, the impact on local environments and communities, and the broader implications for the global coffee market.

Matt shares his firsthand experiences from his recent trip to Ethiopia and delves into the complex challenges facing coffee producers.

This episode is a must-watch for anyone invested in the future of coffee.

Don't miss the insights and learn how you can support sustainable coffee practices.

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EP 576 Heleanna Georgalis - Coffee Deforestation in Ethiopia - The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast by Map It Forward

This is the 5th episode of a five-part series on The Daily Coffee Pro by Map It Forward Podcast, hosted by Map It Forward founder, Lee Safar.

Our guest on the podcast this week is Heleanna Georgalis, Managing Director of Moplaco Trading a vertically integrated coffee exporting company, based in Addis Ababa.

In this five-part series, Heleanna outlines the likely irreversible crisis in coffee across Ethiopia that has seen the rise of Eucalyptus and Khat and the decimation of coffee crops.

In this final episode of the five-part series on 'The Daily Coffee Pro by Map It Forward, Lee and Heleanna engage in a critical discussion about the decline in coffee production in Ethiopia.

The discussion highlights the shift from coffee to eucalyptus and khat farming, driven by economic desperation, and how it is impacting both local and global coffee markets.

They delve into the EU Deforestation Regulations (EUDR) set to be implemented in 2024 and its ramifications for Ethiopian coffee exports.

Heleanna shares her frustrations with the ineffective local response to these regulations and the broader consequences for small producers.

The episode underscores the urgent need for action to mitigate deforestation and support the coffee industry's sustainability. Don't miss this vital conversation that sheds light on the profound challenges facing Ethiopia's coffee sector.

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EP 575 Heleanna Georgalis - Can The Ethiopian Crisis Be Reversed? - The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast by Map It Forward

This is the 4th episode of a five-part series on The Daily Coffee Pro by Map It Forward Podcast, hosted by Map It Forward founder, Lee Safar.

Our guest on the podcast this week is Heleanna Georgalis, Managing Director of Moplaco Trading a vertically integrated coffee exporting company, based in Addis Ababa.

In this five-part series, Heleanna outlines the likely irreversible crisis in coffee across Ethiopia that has seen the rise of Eucalyptus and Khat and the decimation of coffee crops.

In this episode of The Daily Coffee Pro by Map It Forward, Lee and Heleanna discuss the critical situation of coffee production in Ethiopia.

Once naturally organic, Ethiopia now faces soil depletion, deforestation, and the rise of eucalyptus and Khat plantations, which jeopardize the future of Ethiopian coffee.

Heleanna sheds light on the economic and environmental challenges and debates whether the damage is reversible. They explore the possible agendas behind land grabbing by big agriculture and the impact on local farmers.

This episode is a clarion call to understand the severity of these issues and their global implications. Join us to explore potential solutions for deforestation and more.

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EP 574 Heleanna Georgalis - Eucalyptus is Killing Ethiopian Coffee - The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast by Map It Forward

This is the 3rd episode of a five-part series on The Daily Coffee Pro by Map It Forward Podcast, hosted by Map It Forward founder, Lee Safar.

Our guest on the podcast this week is Heleanna Georgalis, Managing Director of Moplaco Trading a vertically integrated coffee exporting company, based in Addis Ababa.

In this five-part series, Heleanna outlines the likely irreversible crisis in coffee across Ethiopia that has seen the rise of Eucalyptus and Khat and the decimation of coffee crops.

In this episode of The Daily Coffee Pro by Map It Forward, Lee and Heleanna discuss the severe challenges facing Ethiopia's coffee industry.

They delve into the detrimental effects of eucalyptus trees on Arabica coffee production, the economic struggles of Ethiopian farmers, and the flawed global coffee market.

The conversation also highlights the stark contrasts between coffee production in Ethiopia and other countries, the meager profits for farmers, and the need for government intervention to preserve this vital crop.

Join us for an in-depth exploration of these critical issues and their implications for the future of Ethiopian coffee.

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EP 573 Heleanna Georgalis - The Future Of Ethiopian Coffee - The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast by Map It Forward

This is the 2nd episode of a five-part series on The Daily Coffee Pro by Map It Forward Podcast, hosted by Map It Forward founder, Lee Safar.

Our guest on the podcast this week is Heleanna Georgalis, Managing Director of Moplaco Trading a vertically integrated coffee exporting company, based in Addis Ababa.

In this five-part series, Heleanna outlines the likely irreversible crisis in coffee across Ethiopia that has seen the rise of Eucalyptus and Khat and the decimation of coffee crops.

In this episode of The Daily Coffee Pro by Map It Forward, Lee and Heleanna dive into the complex issues threatening the future of Ethiopian coffee.

The discussion covers the impacts of rapid deforestation, the cultivation of Khat, population growth, and the planting of eucalyptus trees on Ethiopia's rich coffee heritage.

They explore the unique biodiversity of regions like Sidamo and how current practices are endangering its renowned coffee quality.

Learn about the socio-economic and environmental challenges and what needs to be done to secure the future of this vital industry.

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EP 572 Heleanna Georgalis - A Coffee Crisis In Ethiopia - The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast by Map It Forward

This is the first episode of a five-part series on The Daily Coffee Pro by Map It Forward Podcast, hosted by Map It Forward founder, Lee Safar.

Our guest on the podcast this week is Heleanna Georgalis, Managing Director of Moplaco Trading a vertically integrated coffee exporting company, based in Addis Ababa.

In this five part series, Heleanna outlines the likely irreversible crisis in coffee across Ethiopia that has seen the rise of Eucalyptus and Khat and the decimation of coffee crops.

In this episode of The Daily Coffee Pro by Map It Forward, Lee and Heleanna delve into the historical and current impacts of coffee trading, land use shifts, and environmental changes, particularly focusing on the Harrar region of Ethiopia.

The conversation sheds light on the economic and social factors driving farmers to abandon coffee cultivation for other cash crops like eucalyptus and khat, leading to long-term ecological and economic issues.

This series aims to create a deeper understanding of the complexities facing Ethiopian coffee and its global market implications.

Learn more about these crucial issues and the future of Ethiopia's coffee industry in this must-watch series.

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