Posts tagged vuna origin consulting
394 Lee Safar | Coffee Picker For a Day | The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast

This is the 2nd in a 5-part solo series on The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast by Map It Forward with Map It Forward Founder and Host of the podcast Lee Safar. Recently returned from her first coffee origin trip, Lee is sharing her experience here on the podcast and how this trip has impacted the way she sees the coffee supply chain.

In this episode of the podcast series, Lee gives us insight into what it's like to be a coffee picker for a day after having picked coffee at Monarch Coffee Farms.

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393 Lee Safar | My First Coffee Origin Trip - Hawaii | The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast

This is the first in a 5-part solo series on The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast by Map It Forward with Map It Forward Founder and Host of the podcast Lee Safar. Recently returned from her first coffee origin trip, Lee is sharing her experience here on the podcast and how this trip has impacted the way she sees the coffee supply chain.

In this first episode of the podcast series, Lee gives an overview of what the experience was like going to origin for the first time and the new perspectives it's given her about coffee as a complex agricultural product.

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392 David Browning | Regenerative Agriculture - The Next Frontier | The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast

This is the 5th in a 5-part series on The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast by Map It Forward with Enveritas founder, David Browning. Enveritas is focused on global sustainability for the coffee industry. This insightful series with David discusses "Intentional Problem-Solving in the Coffee".

In this final episode of the podcast series, David gives us insight into what Enveritas is currently focusing on in R&D and why regenerative agriculture is the next frontier.

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391 David Browning | A Solution For EU Deforestation Regulations | The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast

This is the 4th in a 5-part series on The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast by Map It Forward with Enveritas founder, David Browning. Enveritas is focused on global sustainability for the coffee industry. This insightful series with David discusses "Intentional Problem-Solving in the Coffee".

In this episode of the podcast series, David breaks down the upcoming changes to the EU deforestation regulations that come into effect in late 2024. David explains what Enveritas has built to help get deforestation-free certification for those hoping to import coffee into the EU and those looking to send coffee out of the EU.

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390 David Browning | Waste Water Management at Wet Mills in Africa | The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast

This is the 3rd in a 5-part series on The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast by Map It Forward with Enveritas founder, David Browning. Enveritas is focused on global sustainability for the coffee industry. This insightful series with David discusses "Intentional Problem-Solving in the Coffee".

In this episode of the podcast series, David tells the story of how a bamboo-like grass called Vetiver was the innovation that led to the transformation of wastewater management at wet mills in Duromina, Ethiopia.

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389 David Browning | The Innovation Of Mechanical Demucilage in Africa | The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast

This is the 2nd in a 5-part series on The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast by Map It Forward with Enveritas founder, David Browning. Enveritas is focused on global sustainability for the coffee industry. This insightful series with David discusses "Intentional Problem-Solving in the Coffee".

In this episode of the podcast series, David tells the story about how Enveritas, together with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, rolled out mechanical demucilage equipment to mills across 4 countries in East Africa which has led to producers earning an extra 10 Million USD per year. David also tells the story of Akanazzi, a pregnant Rwandan coffee producer who became a refugee after the genocide.

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388 David Browning | Enveritas - The Innovation of Sustainability Verification | The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast

This is the first in a 5-part series on The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast by Map It Forward with Enveritas founder, David Browning. Enveritas is focused on global sustainability for the coffee industry. This insightful series with David discusses "Intentional Problem-Solving in the Coffee".

In this first episode of the podcast series, David explains the role of Enveritas in the coffee value chain.

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387 Sara Morrocchi | Is Better Green Coffee for Better Prices Possible? | The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast

This is the 5th of our 5-part series with Specialty Coffee Professional, educator, and founder of Vuna Origin Consulting, Sara Morrocchi. In this series, Sara and Host, Lee Safar, will explore the theme - "Selling More Coffee for Better Prices"

In this final episode of the series on the podcast, we explore the challenges being faced by producers and others in the supply chain at origin of pricing better coffee for better prices.

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386 Sara Morrocchi | Calculating The Price of Green Coffee | The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast

This is the 4th of our 5-part series with Specialty Coffee Professional, educator, and founder of Vuna Origin Consulting, Sara Morrocchi. In this series, Sara and Host, Lee Safar, will explore the theme - "Selling More Coffee for Better Prices"

In this episode of the series on the podcast, Sara helps us understand how the prices of green coffee are calculated.

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385 Sara Morrocchi | Digital Education for Experts at Coffee Origins | The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast

This is the 3rd of our 5-part series with Specialty Coffee Professional, educator, and founder of Vuna Origin Consulting, Sara Morrocchi. In this series, Sara and Host, Lee Safar, will explore the theme - "Selling More Coffee for Better Prices"

In this episode of the series on the podcast, we gain further understanding from Sara on the rollout of digital education to coffee experts at coffee origin countries and the impact that's having on professionals in those communities.

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384 Sara Morrocchi | The Experts at Coffee Origin | The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast

This is the 2nd of our 5-part series with Specialty Coffee Professional, educator, and founder of Vuna Origin Consulting, Sara Morrocchi. In this series, Sara and Host, Lee Safar, will explore the theme - "Selling More Coffee for Better Prices"

In this episode of the series on the podcast, Sara gives us insight into how to go about building communities of experts at origin.

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383 Sara Morrocchi | The Coffee Industry From The Origin Perspective | The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast

This is the 1st of our 5-part series with Specialty Coffee Professional, educator, and founder of Vuna Origin Consulting, Sara Morrocchi. In this series, Sara and Host, Lee Safar, will explore the theme - "Selling More Coffee for Better Prices"

In this first episode of the series on The Daily Coffee Pro by Map It Forward Podcast, Sara helps us understand how experts and coffee professionals in coffee-origin countries all over the world perceive the coffee industry. The insight may or may not surprise you!

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