The Daily Coffee Pro | #77 What Have We Learnt About the C-Market So Far?

The Daily Coffee Pro | #77 What Have We Learnt About the C-Market So Far?
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This podcast was recorded live on YouTube here. Checkout this episode on Apple Podcasts here, on Stitcher here and on Google Play here.

Today on The Daily Coffee Pro @LeeSafar summarises what we've learnt on the podcast so far about the c-market and the coffee supply chain. #thedailycoffeepro

The Daily Coffee Pro by MAP IT FORWARD is sponsored by:

This episode of the podcast is brought to you by FAFCoffees, green bean suppliers of some of the finest and most sustainably produced Brazilian Specialty Coffee. FAF is a farm, a network of farmers and centres of coffee knowledge operating in the states of São Paulo, Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo. Their business model is based on fostering long-term relationships between farmers and roasters alike. Please check them out and contact @felipecroce ( for more information.

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