Navigating a Successful Business and Career as a Cafe Owner

Navigating a Successful Business and Career as a Cafe Owner

USD 99.00

Included in your pricing is access to:

  1. The facebook group that houses the video presentation

  2. The ability to network with other members within the Facebook group

  3. A Downloadable copy of the MAP IT FORWARD ‘Cafe Owners Business and Career Map’

  4. An Audio version of the presentation

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“Navigating a Successful Career and Business as a Cafe Owner'“ is a webinar for current and hopeful cafe owners.

In this webinar we covered the follow content:

  1. Managing your expectations as a business owner

  2. Understanding your business - from concept to customers

  3. Building a thriving team

  4. Workplace culture

  5. Life Currencies

  6. The importance of understanding your financial health as a business

  7. How to pay your staff well and have a thriving business

  8. Supply chain philosophy 

  9. Social media Strategy and marketing 

  10. Professionalism, Communication and assertiveness

  11. Intergenerational work dynamics

  12. Workplace relations and how to use boundaries to help mitigate challenging situations

  13. Practical ways you and your staff can conspire to each others success and thrive together

  14. Overview of the MAP IT FORWARD Career Owners Map