987 Eren Hasan | The Future of Coffee Business Models - The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast

This is the 5th in a 5-part series on The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast by Map It Forward with London-based coffee business consultant, Eren Hasan from Catersales. In this series of the podcast, Eren and host, Lee Safar discuss the difference between the big and independent coffee brands.

In this final episode of the series on the podcast, Eren helps us navigate his perspectives on the future of these two sectors of the coffee industry globally.

To connect with Eren and Catersales go to:

LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/erenhasan/

Website here: https://catersales.co.uk/#

Host: Lee Safar




🤑 This episode is brought to you by World of Coffee Dubai, 2024. Register for the Roasters Village and join us as the Official podcast partner of World Of Coffee Dubai 2024 at Dubai World Trade Center from the 21st to the 23rd of Jan - tickets are available now at https://www.dubai.worldofcoffee.org our website to be part of coffee's rich history.


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