Posts in DCP - Abby Munoz 2
#822 Abby Munoz: Success Markers For A Coffee Farm Internship | The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast

This is the 5th in a 5-part series with Kona coffee (Hawaii) producer and Director of Operations at Monarch Coffee Farm, Abby Muñoz. In this series, we'll discuss the unique opportunity Monarch Coffee is making available to 6 lucky people to attend a 6-month paid internship on Monarch Coffee Farm.

In this episode of the series, Abby and Lee discuss the success markers for all the stakeholders of the Coffee Farm internship being offered by Monarch Coffee. They answer the question "What does success look like for Monarch Coffee Farm and what does it look like for the successful applicants of the internship".

Apply for the Paid Kona Coffee Farm Internship here:

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#821 Abby Munoz: A Day In The Life Of A Paid Coffee Farm Intern | The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast

This is the 4th in a 5-part series with Kona coffee (Hawaii) producer and Director of Operations at Monarch Coffee Farm, Abby Muñoz. In this series, we'll discuss the unique opportunity Monarch Coffee is making available to 6 lucky people to attend a 6-month paid internship on Monarch Coffee Farm.

In this first episode of the series, Abby helps us navigate a day in the life of a coffee farm intern for the internship positions currently being offered for their 2023/2034 harvest season.

Apply for the Paid Kona Coffee Farm Internship here:

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#820 Abby Munoz: Learn & Work On A Kona Coffee Farm | The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast

This is the 3rd in a 5-part series with Kona coffee (Hawaii) producer and Director of Operations at Monarch Coffee Farm, Abby Muñoz. In this series, we'll discuss the unique opportunity Monarch Coffee is making available to 6 lucky people to attend a 6-month paid internship on Monarch Coffee Farm.

In this episode of the series, Abby details what the successful applicants of the coffee internship can expect to learn over the 6 months program.

Apply for the Paid Kona Coffee Farm Internship here:

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#819 Abby Munoz: Why Offer Coffee Farm Internships? | The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast

This is the 2nd in a 5-part series with Kona coffee (Hawaii) producer and Director of Operations at Monarch Coffee Farm, Abby Muñoz. In this series, we'll discuss the unique opportunity Monarch Coffee is making available to 6 lucky people to attend a 6-month paid internship on Monarch Coffee Farm.

In this episode of the series, Abby explains why Monarch Coffee Farms are offering a paid farm internship and what this is telling us about the wider problems that exist for coffee producers worldwide.

Apply for the Paid Kona Coffee Farm Internship here:

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#818 Abby Munoz: A Paid Coffee Farm Internship in Hawaii | The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast

This is the first in a 5-part series with Kona coffee (Hawaii) producer and Director of Operations at Monarch Coffee Farm, Abby Muñoz. In this series, we'll discuss the unique opportunity Monarch Coffee is making available to 6 lucky people to attend a 6-month paid internship on Monarch Coffee Farm.

In this first episode of the series, Abby explains in general terms, what the paid internship is and what the role will be.

Apply for the Paid Kona Coffee Farm Internship here:

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