EP 459 - Is it Time to Close the Doors? (The Daily Coffee Pro by MAP IT FORWARD)

EP 459 - Is it Time to Close the Doors?
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After 16 months, the hospitality industry continues to endure a painstaking pandemic filled with uncertainty and endless challenges. Being the resilient humans we are, we've fort tooth and nail to keep our businesses alive and our staff employed. For some though, the fight has cost more than they'd expected, and with the end of the pandemic still not in sight for most countries around the world, we ask the very difficult question on this episode of The Daily Coffee Pro by MAP IT FORWARD "Is it time to close the doors?".

For information on our new Mastermind Group for building a successful online business as a Coffee Consultant or any of our other Mastermind Groups, heads to www.mapitforward.org/groupcoaching.


SPONSOR MESSAGE: MIF Coffee Consultant Mastermind Group with Coach, Lee Safar


Confident you have the experience and knowledge to become a coffee consultant and want to turn those skills into a viable online business as a paid consultant in the coffee industry? Go to http://www.mapitforward.org/groupcoaching and invest in your future success by joining the Coffee Consultants mastermind group today. For more information email support@mapitforward.org

Visit our website at www.mapitforward.org and follow us on social media @imapitforward.

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