#746 Abby Munoz: The Surprises of Producing Coffee

Abby Munoz: The Surprises of Producing Coffee #746
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This is the 3rd in a 5-part series with Hawaiian Coffee Producer, Abby Munoz of Monarch Coffee. The theme of this conversation centres around Hawaiian coffee (Kona Coffee) as a closed-loop supply chain where the producer sells direct to the consumer.

In this episode of the series on The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast, Abby gives us insight into the surprises the team at Monarch Coffee faced producing coffee and turning their coffee farm into a viable business.

Connect with Abby Munoz and Monarch Coffee here: https://www.monarchcoffee.com/ and https://www.instagram.com/monarchcoffeefarm/

🤑 This episode is brought to you by MAP IT FORWARD's live workshop series for coffee professionals and business owners. Register for live online workshops in November and December here: https://bit.ly/3TS2EHh Use code podcast10 to get 10% off your ticket price from now till the end of the event.

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