#661 Lee Safar: Get Your [Coffee] House In Order

This is the first episode of a five-part series with Lee Safar focusing on the opportunities ahead for coffee small business owners, entrepreneurs, and employees during the recession.

In this 1st episode of the series, Lee explores the unique opportunity to reassess the way we do business as the recession unfolds by examining how our approach to the following:

1. What is and isn't working internally for your business?

2. How will you make decisions as uncertainty escalates?

3. What decisions have you been putting off making?

4. Are you a part of a community (large or small) that is focused on supporting each other in a creative and productive way that contributes to your success?

Thanks to Bubba Hernandez from Coffee News Break for suggesting this series. Follow Coffee News Break on Instagram for the latest in what's happening in the global coffee industry here: https://www.instagram.com/coffeenewsbreak/

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